Do You Care About The Earth Like We Do? Get Involved!

About Us

Welcome To Green Promise Initiative

We are providing treatment by some experienced physicians

Green Promise Initiative is a registered non-governmental, non-profit, non-religious, voluntary and environmental protection organization founded on 20th November, 2019 to inspire environmental consciousness and bring back connection to nature.


We are a Passionate Initiative on a Journey to Inspire Environmental Change, Green Promise is committed to a sustainable Future and to bring a shift in environmental Consciousness based on passion.

A world, globally educated, engaged and united to combat the challenges of climate Change. thus, fulfilling the promise of making the mother earth green again.

Our Work

What We Are Doing

GPI Campaign

Tree Planting

Clean-up Exercise

Save The Earth Awareness


Our Gallery


Our volunteers

Somuvie Sonia


Eldari Visser

South Africa

Promise Chris


News, Articles & Blogs