Martina kwenda
Worlds Oceans Day

Worlds Oceans Day

Its World Oceans Day and the struggle is still real!! Oceans cover 71 percent of the planet and are home to important species and ecosystems that we rely on for food, livelihoods, climate regulation and more. But the oceans need our help in tackling issues such as Climate change and global warming or extinction of species.50% of wildlife species in oceans are gone. So imagine what out ecosystem will be like in the next 50 years. 

.Saving the oceans can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task, but if we all pitch in, we can make a big difference.Only 4% of the oceans are currently protected from commercial fishing. We need to change that! 

 We do this by creating awareness, making lifestyle changes that are sustainable and signing petitions that lead to legislation for protecting the oceans. We need leaders that are interested in environmental friendly. We can also help by changing our lifestyle. 

 The climate crisis causes extreme weather events that kill or displace thousands and result in economic losses measured in the trillions. 

So the question then becomes how do we help oceans reach their full potential and save them for future generations? 

Here’s a few ideas… … 

1.Demand plastic-free alternative– plastic is very harmful to the ocean. Whenever you throw plastics away they end up in the ocean. We must urge companies to provide consumers with plastic-free alternatives and say no to single use plastics such as straws, plastic cutlery, plastic-wrapped produce and take-out food containers.

2.Reduce your carbon footprint-Carbon dioxide, a known greenhouse gas, is making our oceans more acidic. This is contributing to the loss of corals on a global scale as their calcium skeletons are weakened by the increasing acidity of the water.You can reduce carbon footprint by riding a bike,walking, using public transport,turning off lights when you leave a room, wear a sweater in winter instead of using a heater. 

3.Avoid ocean-harming products– avoid cosmetics that contain shark squalene, jewelry made of coral or sea turtle shell, souvenir shells of conchs, nautiluses and other animals, and single-use plastics like straws and water bottles that can end up in our oceans. These products support unsustainable fishing and threaten important species and plant’s. 

4.Vote on ocean issues-Electing public officials that support good ocean policies as thiscan help us protect marine life and our oceans

6.Explore the oceans– you can’t destroy what you love, so exploring the oceans will enlighten you and bring a sense of protection. 

7. Leave nothing behind.-There is no place called away it goes somewhere. 

There are so many ways to do this but we just mention a few. Let us start making the changes now because we’re already using the equivalent of 1.6 Earths to maintain our current way of life, and ecosystems cannot keep up with our demands. 


3 thoughts on “Worlds Oceans Day

    • Author gravatar

      Dear Martina
      7. Leave nothing behind.-There is no place called away it goes somewhere.

      What a brilliant line, is it yours? I’d like to credit it when I use it in my posts and writtings.

      Join us too
      Ashley Phillips
      Co-Lead Artists-for-Ecocide-Law 
      Stop ECOCIDE International campaign 
      Sign the international petition to make Ecocide the 5th International Crime
      Then sign up to Become an Earth Protector

      Martina. We are creating a global piece of public art to highlight #Ecocide and the oceans. Following on from the UN Ocean Conference last week, where our founder @Jojo was a Keynote speaker.

      It is really easy and simple to get involved. Creating shoals of fish on dirty walls and pavements using a simple stencil of a fish, and a wire brush, and cleaning the fish shape on the surface, its called reverse graffiti or green graffiti we have 40 artists in 40 countries around the globe, we are hoping to do it on the same day, in the next week or two. Let me know if you or your networks want to join in?
      I’d love to have Chris and you on board

      Creative Director 
      Glartique Ltd  part of
      +44 7960 860 432

    • Author gravatar

      Dear Martina
      7. Leave nothing behind.-There is no place called away it goes somewhere.

      What a brilliant line, is it yours? I’d like to credit it when I use it in my posts and writtings.

      Join us too
      Ashley Phillips
      Co-Lead Artists-for-Ecocide-Law 
      Stop ECOCIDE International campaign 
      Sign the international petition to make Ecocide the 5th International Crime
      Then sign up to Become an Earth Protector

      Martina. We are creating a global piece of public art to highlight #Ecocide and the oceans. Following on from the UN Ocean Conference last week, where our founder @Jojo was a Keynote speaker.

      It is really easy and simple to get involved. Creating shoals of fish on dirty walls and pavements using a simple stencil of a fish, and a wire brush, and cleaning the fish shape on the surface, its called reverse graffiti or green graffiti we have 40 artists in 40 countries around the globe, we are hoping to do it on the same day, in the next week or two. Let me know if you or your networks want to join in?
      I’d love to have Chris and you on board
      Cheers Ashley
      +44 7960 860 432

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