Martina kwenda
Happy World Environmental Day folks!!!

Happy World Environmental Day folks!!!

The “Only One Earth” was the slogan for the 1972 Stockholm Conference; 50 years on, this truth still holds – this planet is our only home. The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm was the first world conference to make the environment a major issue.If that doesn’t get you, we don’t know what we will. To have a message from 50 years ago to still be relevant, tells you something. 

Think of the surge of natural disasters that have been happening all over the world! If you really think about it, all roads lead to Global warming. 

The surge of natural disasters like floods, drought, heatwaves etc are all tell tell signs that we are limiting the future generations of their future. We should be all be embracing sustainable solutions in all aspects of our lives. 

Gone should be the day’s where we expect governments, scientists and environmentalist to do all the work for you. It’s high time we did something sustainable living from the comfort of our own homes. Everybody has a part to play, even you that is reading this. Here is a video of how you can achieve waste management at home ….

If you wondering how this affects you remember this… 

 “climate crisis has exacerbated extreme weather events that kill or displace thousands, while resulting in trillions of dollars in economic losses.

This means even in our policies in given we should have sustainable solutions because like it or not we need Mother Earth for survival. need a world where policy makers care more about the environmental aspects of any given project over the monetary viability.

The best way to make this happen is to spread awareness and make people realise just how dire and precocious our positions. That’s why we have days like this to remind us and to make us aware so we can make the changes necessary for a better tomorrow. 

“With nature in emergency mode, the #OnlyOneEarth campaign for World Environment Day 2022, wants you to celebrate the planet through collective environmental action. Only One Earth advocates for transformative environmental change on a global scale. The campaign shines a spotlight on climate action, nature action and pollution action while encouraging everyone, everywhere to live sustainably,”

the UNEP states

If you want to know why you should “Go Green” we have a link to share.

Let’s join the World and UNEP in commemorating this special day. 

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